
RENOUD, Loïc (ルヌウ・ロイック)


外国語・外国文学分野 (フランス語・フランス文学)




私の研究は、外国語教育とフランス語学に関連しており、特に動詞の一時性に焦点を当てています。2010年から2016年の間に、私は日本語の母国語とする学習者のためのフランス語動詞時制の教育と学習のためのアプローチを研究しました。このプロジェクトは、アプローチのコンセプト、その実装、および教室での活動のオーディオデータの分析を必然的に伴いました。このアプローチは、ヴィゴツキーの概念開発である2つの一般的な主張、第一に、言葉で伝えられる意味を内面化し、第二に、これらの示唆は、自分の思考を方向づける機能を果たすという考察を引き出しました。このプロジェクトを通して、フランス語の時制をフランス語で外国語として教えるための教材を見直す機会がありました(Renoud, 2014)。私はまた、自分のデータを分析することで、「外国語で話すために母語で思考する」という効果を報告することに関心がありました。分析に用いた方法は、会話分析とマイクロジェネティク分析の両方から取り入れました(Renoud, 2017a)。しかしながらこれから、この問題を扱うために、エナクティブな言語学の観点(言葉が追加された環境を生み出すこと)に着想を得る(Renoud, 2017b)。

Renoud, Loïc. (2017a). Rôle des concepts du japonais première langue dans des tâches sur les temps
verbaux du français langue étrangère. Revue japonaise de didactique du français. 12/1&2, 103-120.
Renoud, Loïc. (2017b) An enactive perspective on analyzing finite verbs in French conversational
interaction. Journal of the Faculty of Letters of Okayama University. 68, 85-100.
Renoud, Loïc. (2014). Une approche sémantique des temps en FLE : enjeux théoriques et pédagogiques.
Revue japonaise de didactique du français. 9/1, 76-96




Teaching department (area):

Foreign Language and Literature (French Language and Literature)

Research / Teaching key words:

French language instruction – Linguistics – Enaction – Active learning


My research relates to foreign language pedagogy and French linguistics, with a special focus on verb temporality. Between 2010 and 2016, I carried out research on an approach for the teaching and learning of French verb tenses designed for Japanese first-language students. This project entailed the conception of the approach, its implementation, and the analysis of audio data of classroom activities. The approach drew on two general claims of Vygotksy’s theory of conceptual development: first, one internalizes significations conveyed by words and second, these significations serve the function of orienting one’s thought. Throughout this project, I had the opportunity to reflect on pedagogical material to teach French verb tenses in French as a foreign language (Renoud, 2014). I was also interested, in analyzing my data, in documenting the so-called “think in first language to speak in the foreign language” effect. The method I applied for the analysis borrowed from both Conversation Analysis and microgenetic analysis (Renoud, 2017a). However, I am now tackling some of these issues from an enactive standpoint, that is by accounting how one brings forth the environment changed by the words one has uttered (Renoud, 2017b).


Even the very first words in French that students learn can be used in a significant way in real classroom interactions. When they start speaking in French, students usually make quick progress. However, if learning a new language is exciting, it is also challenging. For this reason, I strive to offer various and engaging activities, so that students’ efforts can become fruitful, with significant results in the medium and long term. I believe too that culture is a key component to French language instruction, whether it deals with daily life in France – seasons, food, leisure – or with broader issues such as education, economy, religion, adulthood, marriage, social roles, etc., which prompt comparisons with Japanese society. Finally, in every classes, I aim at providing opportunities to think of the foreign language as an experience. We indeed use language to act upon and change the environment we are engaged in and to which we simultaneously adapt. As I see it, my role as a teacher is then to help students with getting acquainted to live this multifaceted experience in French language.