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講演会「Which Categories for the Categorial Intuition?」のお知らせ (12/18)

パドヴァ大学の研究員Giulia Lanzirotti博士をお招きして、現象学の伝統におけるカテゴリー論に関する講演を行っていただきます。ご関心のある方はぜひご参加ください。

Giulia Lanzirotti (Università degli Studi di Padova), "Which Categories for the Categorial Intuition?"
要旨:The doctrine of categorial intuition, as presented by Husserl in the Sixth Logical
Investigation, has always been a fundamental, albeit highly problematic, point for all phenomenologists. As Sokolowski notes, “the effect of the book [i.e., the Logical Investigations] is not to settle but to stir”, and the categorial intuition can be seen, as said by Dermot Moran, as a “work in progress” doctrine. This intricate nature has brought two excellent re-interpretations of categorial intuition that developed its theoretical core: that of Heidegger, presented in Prolegomena, and that of Husserl himself, presented in Experience and Judgement. Our paper shall demonstrate how the doctrine of categorial intuition opens new philosophical possibilities, especially for what concerns the issues of the understanding of categories. In particular, the paper will, firstly, consider some core elements of Husserl’s categorical intuition in the Logical Investigations; then it will then turn to Heidegger’s reading of the doctrine and indicate the major interpretive transformations that have been made. Finally, I will point out what kind of categories may be offered by the combined reading of Husserl and Heidegger’s interpretation of categorical

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